Sculpting Shadows in Clay - Crafting Dreams from the Night - Poem Lyrics in English


Sculpting Shadows in Clay - Crafting Dreams from the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

In the quiet studio of the night's embrace,

Sculpting shadows in clay, a dreamy chase.

Crafting dreams from the essence of the dark,

In the artist's hands, where fantasies embark.

Clay whispers secrets in the silent night,

Sculpting shadows, an art taking flight.

Hands mold the shapes of the nocturnal tale,

Crafting dreams, where shadows prevail.

Moonlight guides the sculptor's skilled hand,

In the quietude, where dreams expand.

Carving silhouettes from the softest clay,

Sculpting shadows, where fantasies sway.

Imagination dances in the midnight hour,

Crafting dreams from the night's power.

Sculpting shadows that linger and play,

In the clay of dreams, where night holds sway.

Sculpting Shadows in Clay - Crafting Dreams from the Night - Poem Lyrics in English
Sculpting Shadows in Clay - Crafting Dreams from the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

Ethereal forms rise from the earthly mound,

Sculpting shadows, where dreams are found.

In the stillness of the nocturnal sea,

Crafting dreams from the clay of mystery.

In the artist's haven, where moonbeams stay,

Sculpting shadows in clay, a twilight ballet.

Crafting dreams from the night's delight,

In the sculptor's hands, where shadows unite.

In the artist's haven, where shadows come alive,

Sculpting Shadows in Clay, dreams from the night derive.

Crafting tales in the clay's pliable embrace,

In the nocturnal studio, where fantasies find their place.

Fingers dance on the surface, a sculptor's ballet,

Molding dreams from shadows, as night turns to day.

In the sculpted contours, where secrets reside,

Sculpting Shadows in Clay, where dreams coincide.

Moonlight strokes the canvas, a gentle artist's stroke,

Crafting stories in the clay, where dreams evoke.

Silhouettes and whispers in the night's display,

In the sculptor's workshop, where shadows betray.

Each curve a story, each indentation a sigh,

Sculpting Shadows in Clay, where dreams amplify.

Faces emerge, like specters in the dark,

In the clay's embrace, where stories embark.

Oh, the sculptor's touch, a nocturnal trance,

Crafting dreams from shadows, where fantasies enhance.

In the quietude of night, where the mind's at play,

Sculpting Shadows in Clay, where dreams hold sway.

So let the sculptor shape the shadows in the gloom,

Crafting dreams from clay, where illusions loom.

In the artist's atelier, where moonbeams replay,

Sculpting Shadows in Clay, where dreams never stray.

In the silence of the moonlit night,

I shape shadows from the clay so light.

Crafting dreams from the depth of dark,

Sculpting visions with a gentle arc.

With fingers nimble, the clay takes form,

Molding shadows in the quiet storm.

Whispers of the night guide my hands,

Creating dreams from the shifting sands.

Moonbeams dance, a celestial ballet,

As I sculpt tales the stars convey.

Each curve and line tells a story untold,

In the sculpted shadows, secrets unfold.

I shape echoes of the midnight hour,

In the clay, where dreams empower.

A canvas of shadows, a mystical art,

Crafting dreams from the soul's heart.

The night's symphony, a silent song,

As shadows dance, the hours prolong.

Sculpting fantasies with every glance,

Crafting dreams, a delicate dance.

In the clay, where shadows play,

I mold the dreams that gently sway.

A sculptor of the nocturnal stream,

Crafting dreams from the night's dream.

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